The Scholars of Maya - The Illustration of Learning: Robert, Kyle, and Devon

Website Purpose:

 Choose Your Own Maya was created in March 2010. The purpose of this website is to enlighten people's minds by giving a basic overview and several details about the ancient Mesoamerican civilization, the Maya. Also created for Mr. Woodside's 5th Period History class, and all of Jurupa Middle School, for the CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure(or Assignment if you want to kill the buzz)- Assignment. That sounded weird but w/e please take your time to absorb everything.

The Maya:

   The infamous Mesoamerican Maya originated in the dense jungles of the Yucatan Peninsula.

   Mayans as we know it are one of if not the most intelligent civilizations of old. Not to be confused with the Aztec, the Maya have several traits that set them apart, and put them above and beyond the Europeans. The classic age, around 300-900 A.D would be considered the "Golden Age" of the Maya, such as the Indian Age of the Gupta. This is where the Mayan civilization thrived in. They were geniuses in several subjects. They included Farming, Astronomy, Mathematics, and Religion. Click the links below to learn more:




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